Sunday, October 31, 2010


Time is ticking downwards. In less than four hours, I'll be able to steam right into another year of Nanowrimo.

I have been doing this for the past three years, not counting 2008 when I moved during the first of November and just couldn't get it together enough to write anything at all that month.That move STRESSED me out completely - it took me a while to recover.

Apart from my one year of absence from Nanowrimo, I've dong it constantly, and have completed the challenge every time I've singed up for it.

I'm nervous about it this year. Trust be told, I get nervous about it every year. Last year was the first time I did it with a attention grabbing child in the house. The year before that, Hunter was so little that I was able to easily find a way to work Nanowrimo into our schedule. Again, this year will be a challenge with Hunter being almost two. I will have to spend most, if not all, of my time writing when he is in bed for the night or napping. This is pretty much the rule for last year as well and I was able to get the novel finished.

So why am I freaking out? I know I can do it, I did last year. I even finished a bit early last year and THAT was while fighting some horrible writers block.

I've got a plan this year, am using a really easy concept to write my story and have been having success with motivation when it comes to writing. I should be more positive than I am.

I suppose I'm afraid I won't live up to my own expectations. Every year that I've put my mind to doing Nanowrimo, I've completed it. It would be a shame to fail at it when I've really got everything going for me this month. Apart from one event on November 4th, I've left the month open. Why am I so worried?

I think to me failure would be awful, considering I'm setting myself up NOT to fail.

Wish me luck...

You can keep up with my process here in my blog. Please feel free to give me all the support you can, I feel like I might need it.


Ojibwe Confessions said...

"Barney Stinson: Marshall, I've thought it over and I accept your challenge."
That sounds like so much fun, scary and a bit rough.
I am going to look at the site and see if I have the stones to even consider it.
How was your first book?

Penny Lane said...

my first book was alright - I had some great concepts but too much of the writing was fueled by gin.. :) My writing has been improving with each year, along with my ability to write without so much gin

Ojibwe Confessions said...

175 pages in 30 days (if that) is a lot of work. Miss a day and holy heck. 3 to 5 pages a day for sure.