Thursday, June 24, 2010


I'm sick... again. Fuck this.

Punk boy just got over whatever sickness he just had and now here I am, functioning at half my normal range.

Stayed home from work today and spend most of it sleeping. Not normal for me. I have a good, strong nap about once a week and that's all I need. I felt I could have slept all day, all evening and all night.

I've reconnected with a few people over the last few weeks. I really distanced myself from people and I have no good answer as to why I did it. I've reached out to a few, have a few more to reach out to and pull back.

I'm starting to have a strange relationship with my food. I'm wanting to cook, make these amazing things. I want the Sea Monkey to eat, goddamn it. Today, he wouldn't touch the peanut butter and jam sandwich I made for him. Probably was a good thing as the little bit he did eat caused him to break out in splotchy red blotches all over his face. He started to get a little puffy in the cheeks. We were pretty worried. Decided peanut butter might not be the BEST thing for him until we get a chance to visit the doctor again.

Punk boy was playing his guitar earlier. I wish he would do it more. I love listening to him play and now that his hand is fully healed, I think the guitar would be good therapy for him.

I'm on the fence about going to work tomorrow. All depends on how I sleep and how I feel in the morning. I'm yawning but not to tired...

Alright, time for some old journal entries. I realized today why the bottom draw in my desk wasn't closing - a good chunk of my recent journals fell down behind the back of the draw and were causing it not to closed.

I've changed my mind.. I'm caught up in reading them. Found more recent journals 2003 onward... maybe next time

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