Monday, May 09, 2011

Purple Toes

What a weekend.

Glad its over, to be honest.

I'm at home with the kiddo, I didn't make it into work this morning. Poor child was so worked up last night I think him and I only got one, maybe two hours of sleep all night. At about one AM, we sent Punk Boy to the sofa to try and get some sleep while I stayed in the bedroom with Hunter and looked after him. I am lucky that I have family related time I can take to look after Hunter if he has to stay home, Punk Boy on the other hand, must go to work.

So why the restless night? Sunday night, after Punk Boy had finished cooking a lovely Mother's Day dinner and was cleaning the kitchen, kiddo got into some mischief. He started to play with the baby gate we have up between the kitchen and the rest of our open concept apartment. I'm not sure what happened exactly, but all we heard was a crash and crying and screaming from Hunter like we've never heard before. We believe that Hunter got his foot caught in the gate and squished his toe really good. It was red and the nail was starting to turn purple.

I've never seen kiddo in that much pain before. The howling continued on all night and no matter how hard either of us tried, we just could not sooth him. We both said to ourselves that soon he would get tired, and that all the crying would just wear him out but he seemed to have this boundless negative energy inside himself and the howling, screaming and crying went on all night.

He finally settled down at about 5 AM - 45 minutes before my alarm for work goes off. I knew at that point I wouldn't be going anywhere, and by the way he was limping all night, I knew he wouldn't be going anywhere, either.

He feel asleep on the sofa this morning for about 45 minutes. By the time I got off the phone with Punk Boy, went to the bathroom and laid down on the sofa myself, he had gotten up. No nap for me.

Not sure what to do with him. He is in a much better mood, and is playful but is walking very carefully on his foot. The nail is all purple and I am sure it will fall off in a matter of days. Currently, he is laying under a blanket on the sofa watching Yo Gabba Gabba. I'm wondering if he'll close his eyes for another nap. I could use a little bit of sleep.

Needless to say, it will be an early evening for me tonight.

Mom's don't rest, even on Mother's Day I suppose.

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